Tunnel of Natural Light

Tunnel of Natural Light
'...the air itself was flooded with light, white and gold, so that nothing was visible but light itself' - Eva Figes, 'Light'

Friday, 15 February 2013


Well, so far in February I have been to see 'Rumours of Fleetwood Mac' which were AWESOME (as always).

Here's a picture of my sister Gemma, My Mum, Me and My Boyfriend Laurie, sitting 5 rows back from the front: Great Seats Mother!

Pretty much, as well as singing along rather loud to all of the songs, all I was thinking throughout the concert is:

'if I don't become the front man of a brilliant 80's rock band then my life will have been for nothing'

So since then I have begun to learn the piano

For Christmas, I asked my dad for this Disney keyboard book that teaches you the chords if you cannot read music. I do plan on learning how to read music also, but for now I am going to get as far as I can learning on my own before I have to start paying for lessons.
I don't feel as though I can be just the singer in a band, I need to provide a talent for an instrument too, I can play the bass guitar adequately (once again due to my dad's teaching)

This is the book that will make me a piano God!

So, stay tuned on that front.

Also, the boyfriend and I are going away this weekend for our first Valentines Day, complete with meal for 2 and trip to the arcade- we will always have childish tendencies. Pictures shall follow in my next blog.

Cheers now. 

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