Tunnel of Natural Light

Tunnel of Natural Light
'...the air itself was flooded with light, white and gold, so that nothing was visible but light itself' - Eva Figes, 'Light'

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Valentines Weekend

Well, as promised, and only a few days after my previous blog, I am here, writing another blog but this time, about my wonderful time away in Penzance with the boyfriend for Valentines.

We went clothes shopping in the afternoon through Penzance shops and Laurie bought quite a lot, which to say he's worn the same 3 outfits for the last 3 years I've known him, is exciting for all. Then we got our glad rags on (pictures to follow) and went out for a brilliant Italian meal at our favourite restaurant: Gino's.

And yes, the dress was a lot shorter on me than I had thought when I bought it. But we still walked along the prom to Gino's, me, holding the front and back of my dress down from the mighty wind, and Laurie trying to drag my clip clopping feet along.

After the meal Laurie decided it was time to try out everything in the hotel room, and I mean everything, down to the complimentary shower caps.

First was the shower,

Then the bed, done with care

Then, he decided to try out the cupboards, just in case Mr Potter had left anything behind

And finally the shower caps, in which I think he looks Dashing!
Whilst he continued to trying out the bath, toilet and carpets, I settled down in bed to watch Ant and Dec on 'The Jonathan Ross Show' which as a major Ant and Dec fan was hilarious as always.

The next morning, the Beachfield Hotel also treated us to a full English breakfast and toast which was a treat, plus the weather had been glorious all weekend, minus a bit of wind, so we ate our sausages and beans in the warm glow of the Penzance sun.

I love this boy, he's so very cute

On the way home, I gave Laurie a little driving lesson, which went very well and he is exceeding in and then we popped by my Grandad's grave to give it a bit of a wipe down and some flowers. And I for one am a very happy girl to know that the sun is shining down on my Grandad's nice clean grave equip with some summer flowers, especially on his birthday.

So this blog, as well as most of the things I do in my life, is dedicated to my wonderful Grandad Alan Salter, the strongest, funniest and biggest hearted man I have ever known.

You will never be forgotten

Friday, 15 February 2013


Well, so far in February I have been to see 'Rumours of Fleetwood Mac' which were AWESOME (as always).

Here's a picture of my sister Gemma, My Mum, Me and My Boyfriend Laurie, sitting 5 rows back from the front: Great Seats Mother!

Pretty much, as well as singing along rather loud to all of the songs, all I was thinking throughout the concert is:

'if I don't become the front man of a brilliant 80's rock band then my life will have been for nothing'

So since then I have begun to learn the piano

For Christmas, I asked my dad for this Disney keyboard book that teaches you the chords if you cannot read music. I do plan on learning how to read music also, but for now I am going to get as far as I can learning on my own before I have to start paying for lessons.
I don't feel as though I can be just the singer in a band, I need to provide a talent for an instrument too, I can play the bass guitar adequately (once again due to my dad's teaching)

This is the book that will make me a piano God!

So, stay tuned on that front.

Also, the boyfriend and I are going away this weekend for our first Valentines Day, complete with meal for 2 and trip to the arcade- we will always have childish tendencies. Pictures shall follow in my next blog.

Cheers now.