Tunnel of Natural Light

Tunnel of Natural Light
'...the air itself was flooded with light, white and gold, so that nothing was visible but light itself' - Eva Figes, 'Light'

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Sorry, I haven't posted in a while. My laptop has broken and I haven't been able to get on here over Xmas.

I'm borrowing a friends laptop at the moment so can't be on for too long.

Just thought I would tell you about some exciting bits. I took the photographs for my Grandma's Weddings back in September

Aren't they BE-A-U-TIFUL!

And now the New Year holds the exciting new prospect of Artistic shoots with models, now that I have signed up to Model Mayhem (www.modelmayhem.com - Look for Catherine Frances :D)
I just need to save up for that Canon I have always dreamed of... but until then my FujiFilm will do.

My New Years Resolution is to update this blog every week, I promise!

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