Tunnel of Natural Light

Tunnel of Natural Light
'...the air itself was flooded with light, white and gold, so that nothing was visible but light itself' - Eva Figes, 'Light'

Friday, 20 January 2012

A Very Merry New Year

New Years Eve... as the new Hollywood film states is 'The One Night Anything Is Possible'

Well, mine wasn't so windswept and exciting but it was still a crazy one.

At first, I had work 6-10, which led onto 10:40... Pain!
So I rushed home to my sister and my friend Jenn sitting in my room waiting for me like wolves. As soon as I walked through the door they pounced on me, helping me on with my dress and drowning me in perfume so I wouldn't smell like gravy anymore.

I had a very greasy face which meant I had to wipe off my foundation and reapply it, which as most ladies will know is a massive pain when you are already late to meet your friends in town. I was ready by 11, grabbed a bottle of Blue Taboo (Classy Bird), and began my walk into town with Gemma, Jenn and suited up Joe.

My little sister Gemma and my friend Joe (whom I live with)

Me and Jenn: Afro Girls- defending the Universe from sleek hair. Just after I'd finihed a whole bottle of Taboo on my own and thrown it in the bin just around the corner.

We Sexy Divas, were on our way to meet the Seymours. Joseph and Laurie Seymour are two of my closest friends and live just down the road from me in Falmouth, whenever I have a free day I'm either at their house or with the Devoran Crew (we will come onto them later). Now these Sexy Seymours (the picture that follows will proove it) were dressed as Sailors, and God Damn they looked Smooooth!

Try and control yourselves ladies

We arrived at Club I- the only club in Falmouth- but I still love it, and were greeted by my friend Ed, in a very drunken state, from then on I knew the night was going to be a belter.

The Devoran Crew include Mike, Ed, Steven and Ben, and when they are all out you know the night is going to be amazing! I have a lot of love for these boys and they let me tag along with them, not sure why, most likely for my amazing conversation and incredible wit, otherwise known as the twins.
This following photo is my favourite of the whole night, as it captures everyone in their drunken states, and I get to be in a picture with the Devoran Crew.

If you read back through my blog when I said Ed was the most drunk, look at the faces, can you tell which one is Ed, and no it's not the one in the black, that's Steven, he's just weird.
L-R Me, Steven, Ed, Mike, Ben

I won't be putting anymore of the photos on here because from then on the night gets pretty messy, but I will show you how it ended.
Once we all went back to Ed's to check on his vomit covered ass, we all ended up crashing at his flat, mostly on his floor or a few of us lucky ones (me!) squeezed ourselves into an armchair. It was an amazing night.

Halloween was a slightly better night in my opinion, but New Years Eve was still Brilliant, same time next year boys :)

Thursday, 12 January 2012

A Salter Christmas

Hello Again...

So,my Xmas Day consisted of working at the hotel 11-5 then rushing home to my wondeful family who had postponed Xmas all day for me :D

My Auntie Sue made a cracking Roast with cracking and everything!
Plus my sister Gemma, our friend Megan and myself had made Xmas Jumpers, like the ones you had as a kid, with big bows and sparkles on them. And I'm sure you want to se a picture of that :)

I can take a good photo and pose for one too. We Rocked Christmas!
Then after we opened our presents, including a small Canon camera from my mum, and sock (YES!), us girls- Sue, Mum and Myself- began our attack on the Xmas Booze, whilst Gemma took on her one woman battle with the leftover food.

A Nice Family Christmas, as always. It was also very nice to have my 4 year old cousin Marissa with us to add the extra excitement that you still have as a child, it's heartwarming to see.

My next blog will be on the Mayhem that was New Years Eve!
Then the Christmas Staff Party ... oh I love my life ;)

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Sorry, I haven't posted in a while. My laptop has broken and I haven't been able to get on here over Xmas.

I'm borrowing a friends laptop at the moment so can't be on for too long.

Just thought I would tell you about some exciting bits. I took the photographs for my Grandma's Weddings back in September

Aren't they BE-A-U-TIFUL!

And now the New Year holds the exciting new prospect of Artistic shoots with models, now that I have signed up to Model Mayhem (www.modelmayhem.com - Look for Catherine Frances :D)
I just need to save up for that Canon I have always dreamed of... but until then my FujiFilm will do.

My New Years Resolution is to update this blog every week, I promise!