Tunnel of Natural Light

Tunnel of Natural Light
'...the air itself was flooded with light, white and gold, so that nothing was visible but light itself' - Eva Figes, 'Light'

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Valentines Weekend

Well, as promised, and only a few days after my previous blog, I am here, writing another blog but this time, about my wonderful time away in Penzance with the boyfriend for Valentines.

We went clothes shopping in the afternoon through Penzance shops and Laurie bought quite a lot, which to say he's worn the same 3 outfits for the last 3 years I've known him, is exciting for all. Then we got our glad rags on (pictures to follow) and went out for a brilliant Italian meal at our favourite restaurant: Gino's.

And yes, the dress was a lot shorter on me than I had thought when I bought it. But we still walked along the prom to Gino's, me, holding the front and back of my dress down from the mighty wind, and Laurie trying to drag my clip clopping feet along.

After the meal Laurie decided it was time to try out everything in the hotel room, and I mean everything, down to the complimentary shower caps.

First was the shower,

Then the bed, done with care

Then, he decided to try out the cupboards, just in case Mr Potter had left anything behind

And finally the shower caps, in which I think he looks Dashing!
Whilst he continued to trying out the bath, toilet and carpets, I settled down in bed to watch Ant and Dec on 'The Jonathan Ross Show' which as a major Ant and Dec fan was hilarious as always.

The next morning, the Beachfield Hotel also treated us to a full English breakfast and toast which was a treat, plus the weather had been glorious all weekend, minus a bit of wind, so we ate our sausages and beans in the warm glow of the Penzance sun.

I love this boy, he's so very cute

On the way home, I gave Laurie a little driving lesson, which went very well and he is exceeding in and then we popped by my Grandad's grave to give it a bit of a wipe down and some flowers. And I for one am a very happy girl to know that the sun is shining down on my Grandad's nice clean grave equip with some summer flowers, especially on his birthday.

So this blog, as well as most of the things I do in my life, is dedicated to my wonderful Grandad Alan Salter, the strongest, funniest and biggest hearted man I have ever known.

You will never be forgotten

Friday, 15 February 2013


Well, so far in February I have been to see 'Rumours of Fleetwood Mac' which were AWESOME (as always).

Here's a picture of my sister Gemma, My Mum, Me and My Boyfriend Laurie, sitting 5 rows back from the front: Great Seats Mother!

Pretty much, as well as singing along rather loud to all of the songs, all I was thinking throughout the concert is:

'if I don't become the front man of a brilliant 80's rock band then my life will have been for nothing'

So since then I have begun to learn the piano

For Christmas, I asked my dad for this Disney keyboard book that teaches you the chords if you cannot read music. I do plan on learning how to read music also, but for now I am going to get as far as I can learning on my own before I have to start paying for lessons.
I don't feel as though I can be just the singer in a band, I need to provide a talent for an instrument too, I can play the bass guitar adequately (once again due to my dad's teaching)

This is the book that will make me a piano God!

So, stay tuned on that front.

Also, the boyfriend and I are going away this weekend for our first Valentines Day, complete with meal for 2 and trip to the arcade- we will always have childish tendencies. Pictures shall follow in my next blog.

Cheers now. 

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

2013- a new exciting year

I keep forgetting about this blog, I am beginning to get caught up in the endless worlds of tumblr and facebook, this blog gets a little lonely I suppose, probably because it's not really for show, more of an online diary.

Anyway, working at Rick Stein's still, had a brilliant Christmas party, as the picture shows:

Me and Shannon (red headed chic) burned up the dance floor, drank some free wine and even spoke to Sir Stein himself (only a Sir in our hearts).

Since then I have been working hard on polishing up old writing projects and taking a few more pictures, I have also moved in with Laurie now and am content with life.

Just waiting for that big break into my writing career still... one day.

Thursday, 31 May 2012

My First Ever Surf Day

Wednesday the 23rd of May brought with it my first informal surf lesson at Perranporth Beach, just outside of Newquay. My very good friend Ed (average surfer, but to me was surfer extraordinaire), had been promising me for the longest time that he would take me to the beach where he spent his childhood and finally after getting all of our University deadlines and exams out of the way, it was finally time to let the surf take us.

I had only ever been surfing once in my life at the age of twelve with a school activities trip, we had gone to Fistral Beach in Newquay for an hour lesson. Unfortunately, the instructors had informed us that the surf wasn’t very good and that we may not get chance to catch any substantial waves as the sea was very calm. That was fine by me as a 4 foot 6 runt of the litter who could barely swim, never mind surf. I remember dragging my 8 foot board (that’s right, almost twice my size) into the sea to experience the most terrifying hour of my life. With fifteen or so other children there, the 3 instructors couldn’t watch us all, so it took about 10 minutes for one of them to notice my mangled body being thrown around by the little waves. I managed to lie on my board once or twice, but after about 45 minutes I was very tired and too nervous to face to the onslaught of the water anymore. I returned to the safety of my teachers and my asthma inhaler.
But 8 years later as I walked out onto Perranporth Beach in my mum’s 1980s short sleeved wetsuit, I was feeling more optimistic this time. If anything I felt as though if I drowned, Ed would notice pretty soon and come fish me out by my collar. My friend and surf instructor for the day, Ed, is my opposite in height, looming over me like a skyscraper at 6 foot so could probably pull me to safety with his crane like arms. However, in the last 8 years, I had also managed to grow an inch every year, so now I at a colossal 5 foot 3 no waves could stand in my way.

Ed had told me that today was supposed to be one of the most perfect days for surfing as the conditions were great- not too choppy and perfect for beginners- so I was ready. We waded out into the sea, I noticed the look from all of the others surfers as they admired my neon pink and black wetsuit. With the words ‘Ocean Force’ on the front, they all knew that it was about to go down. I was borrowing Ed’s 6 foot board, which I was told wasn’t the best to learn on, because it’s near impossible to get off your stomach if you were a beginner, but I was determined to tame the waves and be the best surfer ever (well at least get on my knees).

Once I had managed to flop my body weight onto the poor defenceless board and paddle manically I soon got used to the taste of sea water, as the waves passed over my head. But after some practise, my hard work paid off and I caught my first wave. The rush of moving with the wave, an untameable essence that lets you ride along with it was incredible. I could finally understand why you see surfers talking about the ocean like it was a person that they were in love with, I felt like I could write a sonnet about my first wave (Beatrice) right then and there.

After I had ridden a few magnificent waves lying on my stomach, I felt as though I should try and stand on one now. I watched Ed do it and it seemed near impossible. His tall slender frame, although gangly seemed to glide along the waves, I just couldn’t imagine my stump of a body doing the same. But I tried, and failed, numerous times, I had even tried the technique Ed used of balancing by turning your hand into a monkey claw, but to no avail.
 Gangly Ed with the white board I borrowed

I received some hefty thumps in the leg, which soon turned into big black bruises, which definitely occurred when a shark appeared out of nowhere and I fought it off with my bare hands.

 We had been there in the sea for 3 hours now and our bodies were beginning to give up but I was determined. Then right near the end, I managed to catch a beautiful wave and get to my knees, worshipping it all the way into the beach. It wasn’t standing but I saw it as a triumph!

And even now as I slave away serving people their lunch, I look out of the window at the ocean and vow to get back on that board and be embraced by my new friend, the sea once more.

P.S. Unfortunately, there was no documented footage of me in my one of a kind wetsuit, but maybe next time readers.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The End of Falmouth Beach Hotel

The 30th of April 2012 will now always be etched in my memory as the day my place of work- Falmouth Beach Hotel- burnt down.

It was a shocking day because you never believe that such a massive building could burn to the ground, so seeing the pictures and even visiting it the next day didn't feel real.

You don't realise until it's gone but Falmouth Beach Hotel was a major institution in Falmouth and there were hundreds of holidays, functions and weddings that went up in smoke with the end of that beautiful hotel. Although all of us who worked there moaned about the lack of teapot lids and the complaining guests, I would give anything to have it back.

It seems like the end of an era as the people I have worked with for the last 2 and a half years, who are some of my closest friends, are now being pulled away from me and dispersed among other hotels throughout Falmouth. It's very sad to know that our little group will never all work together again.

I'm trying not to remember the hotel as the burning mess that it ended in, but rather as the place I made best friends. I will remember the Falmouth Beach Hotel as the founding place of the infamous Fal Beach 5, the place were Claire Barron slipped over with the scrambled egg, smacking me in the face on her way down and the place where Alex Leach sent her 'do me' eyes to Steven Walker.
All of the windscreen wipers pulled up on everyone's cars, the MCW cloth and John Spargo's frozen tea plot are just some of the memories I will be taking away with me.
Never again will I be squeezing through the 'moist flaps' of the freezer, sneaking a bit of brownie off cut in the kitchen or singing show tunes in the still room.

It's a very sad time for the Fal Beach family (mostly because of all of the polished glasses that have been lost and the amount of wine that was in that wine cupboard was enough to live off for a good few years) but at least we have the memories.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

On the Home Stretch...

Well, I am in my final year of University and only have 6 weeks left to go.
I know that most of my fellow Uni chums will be relaxing and enjoying their Easter break but I (as a good little student) am working away on my essays and 2nd dissertation. So that hopefully I will be able to spend my last few weeks with my beloved Devoran Crew, the Seymours, Joe and Muffin.

Exciting News: Since Christmas, Laurie, Ed and I have become a band called Littlefoot. We practise every Monday afternoon at Ed's house and I look forward to the practises every week because we gel so well together and we get to play music that we all love and I get to spend time with my favourite boys. Like in U2 we have little nicknames for each other. Laurie is Pixie, because he doesn't listen and is off in a world of his own (plus he looks like a woodland creature), Ed is Archemedes, because he looks like a wise old owl and he is the smartest man I know and I am Cannibal, becuase I bite the boys heads off a bit (mostly Laurie's) and I am hoping it's because I'm a fiesty ass kicker (maybe not).

Then I will be moving back to the chav infested hell hole that is St. Austell :(
This is only because I don't want to get tied to working full time as a waitress my whole life, I need to get my foot in the door of my career. This does mean leaving Falmouth and moving back with my Mum at the age of 21 (also sharing my sister's room- oh the shame!) but these sacrifices must be made if I am to become a millionaire by the age if 25.

My next post will be a goodbye to all of the amazing friends I have made in Falmouth (not that I will never see them again, I'll only be an hour away). A little homage to the best friends I think I have ever had.

Anyway, must get back to my dissertation.
Here's a photo of the Muffins (Amy and I) to make you smile

Friday, 20 January 2012

A Very Merry New Year

New Years Eve... as the new Hollywood film states is 'The One Night Anything Is Possible'

Well, mine wasn't so windswept and exciting but it was still a crazy one.

At first, I had work 6-10, which led onto 10:40... Pain!
So I rushed home to my sister and my friend Jenn sitting in my room waiting for me like wolves. As soon as I walked through the door they pounced on me, helping me on with my dress and drowning me in perfume so I wouldn't smell like gravy anymore.

I had a very greasy face which meant I had to wipe off my foundation and reapply it, which as most ladies will know is a massive pain when you are already late to meet your friends in town. I was ready by 11, grabbed a bottle of Blue Taboo (Classy Bird), and began my walk into town with Gemma, Jenn and suited up Joe.

My little sister Gemma and my friend Joe (whom I live with)

Me and Jenn: Afro Girls- defending the Universe from sleek hair. Just after I'd finihed a whole bottle of Taboo on my own and thrown it in the bin just around the corner.

We Sexy Divas, were on our way to meet the Seymours. Joseph and Laurie Seymour are two of my closest friends and live just down the road from me in Falmouth, whenever I have a free day I'm either at their house or with the Devoran Crew (we will come onto them later). Now these Sexy Seymours (the picture that follows will proove it) were dressed as Sailors, and God Damn they looked Smooooth!

Try and control yourselves ladies

We arrived at Club I- the only club in Falmouth- but I still love it, and were greeted by my friend Ed, in a very drunken state, from then on I knew the night was going to be a belter.

The Devoran Crew include Mike, Ed, Steven and Ben, and when they are all out you know the night is going to be amazing! I have a lot of love for these boys and they let me tag along with them, not sure why, most likely for my amazing conversation and incredible wit, otherwise known as the twins.
This following photo is my favourite of the whole night, as it captures everyone in their drunken states, and I get to be in a picture with the Devoran Crew.

If you read back through my blog when I said Ed was the most drunk, look at the faces, can you tell which one is Ed, and no it's not the one in the black, that's Steven, he's just weird.
L-R Me, Steven, Ed, Mike, Ben

I won't be putting anymore of the photos on here because from then on the night gets pretty messy, but I will show you how it ended.
Once we all went back to Ed's to check on his vomit covered ass, we all ended up crashing at his flat, mostly on his floor or a few of us lucky ones (me!) squeezed ourselves into an armchair. It was an amazing night.

Halloween was a slightly better night in my opinion, but New Years Eve was still Brilliant, same time next year boys :)