Well, I am in my final year of University and only have 6 weeks left to go.
I know that most of my fellow Uni chums will be relaxing and enjoying their Easter break but I (as a good little student) am working away on my essays and 2nd dissertation. So that hopefully I will be able to spend my last few weeks with my beloved Devoran Crew, the Seymours, Joe and Muffin.
Exciting News: Since Christmas, Laurie, Ed and I have become a band called Littlefoot. We practise every Monday afternoon at Ed's house and I look forward to the practises every week because we gel so well together and we get to play music that we all love and I get to spend time with my favourite boys. Like in U2 we have little nicknames for each other. Laurie is Pixie, because he doesn't listen and is off in a world of his own (plus he looks like a woodland creature), Ed is Archemedes, because he looks like a wise old owl and he is the smartest man I know and I am Cannibal, becuase I bite the boys heads off a bit (mostly Laurie's) and I am hoping it's because I'm a fiesty ass kicker (maybe not).
Then I will be moving back to the chav infested hell hole that is St. Austell :(
This is only because I don't want to get tied to working full time as a waitress my whole life, I need to get my foot in the door of my career. This does mean leaving Falmouth and moving back with my Mum at the age of 21 (also sharing my sister's room- oh the shame!) but these sacrifices must be made if I am to become a millionaire by the age if 25.
My next post will be a goodbye to all of the amazing friends I have made in Falmouth (not that I will never see them again, I'll only be an hour away). A little homage to the best friends I think I have ever had.
Anyway, must get back to my dissertation.
Here's a photo of the Muffins (Amy and I) to make you smile