Tunnel of Natural Light

Tunnel of Natural Light
'...the air itself was flooded with light, white and gold, so that nothing was visible but light itself' - Eva Figes, 'Light'

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Thursday- Saturday

Thursday, I spent the day with my Caribean friend Jenn, for her birthday- we went boy shopping, game shopping and food shopping :) Then spent Friday with my bezzie Kaci, and slept over at my Auntie Kyrstie’s.

But unfortunately we didn't take any pictures on Thursday so I figured I would post some of my most recent photography encounter. I was asked by my Auntie Kyrstie to take some pictures of my cousins: Shannon (6) and Charlotte (3). So we made a little studio out of a duvet on the floor, and tried for an hour to get little Charlotte to smile. But when you say 'Smile' to Charlotte she doesn't flash her pearly whites at us she shouts back the word 'SMIIIILLLEEE'. So most of my shots were of Charlotte with her mouth wide open.

So I just had to keep taking shots as she moved around, creating a few blurred ones, but my Samsung FinePix is a beaut so I had good a few decent shots.

I gave them to my Auntie Kyrstie as a gift for her birthday- 3 lovely ones in a frame, and the rest of the Easter week pictures in an album

<<< Shannon, my little best friend. She is just like I used to be as a kid. But isn't she a little stunner.

This is Charlotte, she's currently going through the terrible twos at the moment and says no to everything, she'sa right little madam but she can also be really laidback.

I also met their new kitten: Simba, and although I don’t really like cats we got on quite well, so well infact that I let her sleep on my back :D I’ll post a picture of her because she is quite beautiful: like a mini leopard.

Just got back from work: knackered!

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

My New Exciting Blog

Well, Hey There!
I'm Catherine or Cat, if you prefer. I look about 14 years old, I act about 30 years old, but I am infact almost 20.

I am currently finishing my second year of English with Creative Writing at Falmouth University, and although I love books and reading I also love taking photos.

Making and Capturing Memories are extremely important to me and I have literally thousands of photos depicting family events and the night life of my friends and I (don't worry I'm a sensible drinker, I've had my moments, but growing up has done wonders for me).

So I'm hoping to feed you more about myself as I blog, and you will come to know some of my family members and friends quite well through the photos I post.

Here's a picture from my 19th Birthday last year... and before you ask, Yes that is an adult bouncy castle we are in- that's just how I roll.
The one on the left is me and the beautiful girl on the right is my wifey Rachel.

I love capturing spontaneous shots, and I especially love this one because it reflects our relationship in life- always laughing.
I try to do this with many of my people shots, so there will be more of these on the way, along with scenic shots too.

So keep checking back on my blog.
